1. The Living Webster’s Encyclopedic Dictionary of the English Language, Consultant and major contributor (1158 pp.) Chicago, 1971, Consolidated Book Publishers.
2. Idiom Structure in English Mouton, The Hague, 1972, (372 pp.) (Based on Yale Ph.D.)
3. Readings in Stratificational Linguistics, (with D.G. Lockwood, Co-Eds.), University, Alabama., (Tuscaloosa), University of Alabama Press, 1972.
4. A Dictionary of Space English, English Language Institute of America, Consolidated Book Publishers, Chicago, 1973.
cover design by Albert Kner
5. The First LACUS Forum, (with V.B. Makkai, [Co-Eds.]), Columbia, S.C., Hornbeam Press, 1974.
6. Towards a Theory of Context in Linguistics and Literature, The Hague, Mouton, 1975.
7. Linguistics at the Crossroads, Padova, Liviana Editrice & Jupiter Press, Lake Bluff (with V.A. Makkai and Luigi Heilmann, [Co-Eds.]), 1977.
8. A Dictionary of American Idioms, 1975-’76-’77-’78-’81-’82; 2nd revised ed. ’87. Hauppauge, N.Y. 3rdRevised Ed. 1995, 4th revised ed. 2003, Barron’s Educational Series.
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Price $14.95 in the US, $21.95 in Canada, available in major bookstores e.g., Borders, Barnes and Noble, etc.
9. A Dictionary of American Idioms, Tokyo, Shubun International, Japanese translation of (8) by Richard C. Goris, 1980; Bulgarian edition Varna-Sophia, 1996. (Between 1980 and 1987 3.7 million pirated copies of (8-9) in Chinese translation were sold in China.)
10. Essays in Honor of Charles F. Hockett, Leyden, Brill (with V.B. Makkai, F.B. Agard and Gerald Kelly, [Co-Eds.]), 1983.
11. Semiotics of Culture and Language, London & Dover, MA., Frances Pinter Publishers (with M.A.K. Halliday, S.M. Lamb and R. Fawcett, [Co-Eds.]), 1984.
12. Essays in Honor of Rulon S. Wells,John Benjamins, Amsterdam (with A.K. Melby, [Co-Eds.)], 1985.
13. Handbook of Essential American Idioms, Hauppauge, N.Y., Barron’s, 1987.
14. ECOLINGUISTICS: ¿Toward a New **Paradigm** for the Science of Language?, Frances Pinter, London and Dover, MA., & Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest, [Collected Essays, 430 pp.].
15. Szomj és ecet, [‘Thirst and Vinegar’] Collected poems 1952-1966, Los Angeles, Amerikai Magyar Írók [‘Guild of Hungarian-American Writers’], 1966.
16. K2=13 [K Squared Equals Thirteen], Collected Poems 1967-71, Chicago, Amerikai Magyar Írók.
cover design by Albert Kner
17. Jupiter Szeme [‘The Eye of Jupiter’], Collected Poems 1952-1990, Budapest 1991, Héttorony Publishers, 1971.
18. English Poetry in the following anthologies: The Earthquake on Ada Street, Paul Carroll, Ed. 1979, Jupiter Press, Lake Bluff, IL., The Linguistic Muse, 1980, Linguistic Research, Inc., Edmonton, AB., D.J. Napoli and E.N. Rando, [Eds.], Meliglossa, 1984, Linguistic Research, Inc., Edmonton, AB., E.N. Rando and D.J. Napoli, [Eds.], Lingua Franca, 1989, Jupiter Press, Lake Bluff, IL., D.J. Napoli and E.N. Rando, Eds., Speaking in Tongues, Black Buzzard Press, 1994, D.J. Napoli, E. Rando,. & B. Strahan [Eds.].
19. Thirst and Vinegar, Collected English Poetry (1957-1997), (in press).
20. In Quest of the ‘Miracle Stag’: The Poetry of Hungary. An anthology of Hungarian Poetry in English Translation from the 13th Century to the Present, CORVINA & M. Szivárvány, Budapest, Atlantis-Centaur, Chicago, October 1996, Hungary, 1997-98 UK and USA. (1,028 pp., 25 woodcut illustrations by George Buday), second revised edition in 2000, Tertia, Framo & Atlantis-Centaur. [Ed. and major contributing translator.]
21. Cantio Nocturna Peregrini Aviumque, Budapest, Tertia Publishers, appeared October 12b ,1999 in Frankfurt, Germany, 350 pp. [Octolingual extension of #21 with Italian added, along with German and English essays.]
22. Travel Wise (Hungarian), with Agnes Arany-Makkai [Trans. & Ed.], from German, Hauppauge, N.Y., Barron’s Educational Series, 1998, 269 pp.
23. Scorched Stones [Kormos Kövek], Fifty-Six Poems about ’56. (56 English translations of 56 Hungarian poems by Michael A. Kannas, bilingual edition.) Chicago, 1998, Atlantis-Centaur & Framo Publications, (113 pp.)
24. Cantio Nocturna Peregrini: A Puzzle in Seven Languages, (Variations on Goethe’s “Wandrers Nachtlied” in German, English, French, Spanish, Russian, Hungarian and Latin. Corvina Publishers, Budapest, and Atlantis-Centaur, Inc. Chicago, October 1996, (178 pp.)
25. Sándor Kányádi’s “All Souls’ Day in Vienna”: An Anasemic Analysis. Vincze László, Publisher, Szentendre, Hungary. Appeared on October 12, 1999 in Frankfurt. (140 pp.)
26. In Quest of the ‘Miracle Stag’: The Poetry of Hungary. An Anthology of Hungarian Poetry in English Translation from the 13th Century to the Present, 2nd revised and enlarged edition, 25 original woodcut portraits by George Buday. Vol. I. TERTIA Publishers, Budapest, Framo Publishing, Chicago, and Atlantis-Centaur, Chicago, 2000-2001, 1200 pp.
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LIST PRICE USD $89.95 plus shipping and handling, discount price USD $69.95. Contact <atlantic-centaur.org> or e-mail <admakkai@uic.edu>
27. In Quest of the ‘Miracle Stag’: The Poetry of Hungary. Modern Hungarian Poetry of the 20th Cent-tury, Vol. II 120 authors. Anyanyelvi Konferencia, Budapest, Framo and Atlantis-Centaur, Chicago. 1,200 pp. 2003-2004, 1,238 pp. 25 portraits by Endre Szász and 14 portraits by Márton Barabás.
28. A csodaszarvas nyomában: Az ezer legszebb vers nyolcszás eves költészetünkből [In Quest of the ‘Miracle Stag’:One thousand Poems of Eight Centuries of Hungarian Poetry.] (In Hungarian) 1,000 pp. Tinta Publishers, Budapest.
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PRICE HUF (Ft) 7420. Contact <info@tintakiado.hu>
29. Úristen! Engedj meghalni! Petőfi Sándor pokoljárása és megidvezülése. [God! Let Me Die! Sándor Petáfi’s Journey into Hell and his Redemption.] 350 pp. (In Hungarian) Argus Publishers, Székesfehérvár and Budapest, Hungary, and C.E.T. publishers, Budapest (Poetry, screen play, diary.)
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Price $20 USD, contact <atlantis-centaur.org> or e-mail <admakkai@uic.edu>
30. Az erő [The Force], (Szabálytalan életrajz versben és prózában) = (Az Irregular autobiography in Verse and Prose), C.E.T. Publishers, Budapest, 156 pp.
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Price USD $15. contact <atlantis-centaur.org> or e-mail <admakkai@uic.edu>
31. Felkelő Uránusz. Összegyűjtött versek. [Uranos Rising. Collected Poems.] Budapest and Marosvásárhely (Tîrgu Mureş in Romanian). In press.
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