Adam Makkai, Ph.D.
Professor of English and Linguistics, University of Illinois at Chicago &
Exec. Director and Director of Publications (Chair of the Board) Emeritus (1974-1995)
Linguistic Association of Canada and the United States (LACUS, Inc.)
Founder (1974) and Registered Agent, Permanent Member of the Board of Directors
Executive Director and Editor-in-Chief of ATLANTIS-CENTAUR, Inc. (Publisher) (1995-)
December 16, 1935, Budapest, Hungary.
Naturalized American Citizen as of January 12, 1963.
B.A. (cum laude) Harvard University, ’58; Russian major, French minor.
M.A. ’62, Yale University; Ph.D. ’65, Yale University, General Linguistics.
Dissertation: Idiom Structure in English (see “Publications”), Committee: Rulon S. Wells, Warren C. Cowgill, Floyd G. Lounsbury, Hugh M. Stimson, Sydney M. Lamb.
Fellowships and Awards:
LOEB FUND (Harvard, ’57-’58); FORD FOUNDATION FOREIGN AREA TRAINING FELLOWSHIP (Yale, ’60-’61); UNIVERSITY-WILSON FELLOWSHIP (Yale, ’61-’62), JUNIOR STERLING FELLOWSHIP (Yale, ’62-v63); PADEREWSKI FOUNDATION & INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT FOUNDATION Travel & Study Grant (Malaysia, ’63-’64); American Council of Learned Societies [ACLS] Dissertation Grant (Yale, ’64-’65); National Science Foundatioon [NSF] Post-Doctoral Research Grant (Rand Corporation, CA ’65-’66); INTERNATIONAL RESEARCH & (Fulbright) EXCHANGES BOARD [IREX] SENIOR SCHOLAR TRAVEL AWARD (Hungary, ’85); FULLBRIGHT-HAYES SENIOR RESEARCH PROFESSOR AWARD (NUS, Singapore ’85-’86); INVITED “FOREIGN EXPERT” (Changchun, Jilin, People’s Republic of China, Jilin University of Technology [JUT] ’87); HUMAN SCIENCES RESEARCH COUNCIL Visiting Ssholar Award (Pretoria, R.S.A. & University of the Witwatersrand, ’88); 2nd IREX Senior Researcher Grant (Hungary, ’88); Visiting Scholar Award (Hong Kong Baptist University ’89-’90); Visiting Professor Award (University of Hong Kong ’91-’92); third IREX grant (travel to Hungary, August-September, 1993); UIC Humanities Institute Travel Grant to Hungary, April-May 1995. Doctor Philosophiae Honoris Causa, University of Miskolc, Hungary, May 1995; PRO CULTURA HUNGARICA Ministerial Citation of Honor, Ministry of Education and Culture, Budapest, October 1996; GOLD CROSS OF MERIT FOR EXCELLENCE, Arpad Hungarian Academy of Cleveland, OH, November 1996, GRAND GOLD MEDAL FOR LITERARY SCHOLARLY ACHIEVEMENT, ‘Kelemen Mikes’ Hungarian Society of the Netherlands, Dec. 1997, Presidential Gold Medal from the President of Hungary for producing the Anthology of Hungarian Poetry in English, 1999, Harold Witter Bynner award for poetry translation, 2000-2001; second Harold Witter Bynner award for poetry trans-lation, 2002-2003. George Washington Award (American Hungarian Doundation) Nov. 11, 2003.
English: fluent on all levels including published scholarship and original poetry; Hungarian: the same; German: quasi-native with lecturing ability, scholarly and literary publications; French: the same; Russian: from age 11 onward; less fluent than German and French; Italian and Spanish: Reading and research, Romanian and Portuguese: Reading ability for research only; general reading ability with dictionary in Slavic and Germanic languages; Malay & Indonesian: limited conversation, reading with dictionary. Linguistic research on the following: Greek, Sanskrit, Gothic, Old Church Slavic, Old & Middle English, Tagalog, Hawaiian, Vietnamese, Thai, Kipsigis-Kalenjin (Kenya); Mandarin. Speaking and writing in Latin.
Teaching Experience:
University of Hong Kong (Visiting Professor, ’90-’92), Hong Kong Baptist University (Visiting Scholar, ’89-’90). University of Illinois at Chicago (Asst. Prof. ’67-’69; Assoc. Prof. ’69-’75; Full Prof. ’75-2004, Professor Emeritus 2004-) National University of Singapore (Fulbright-Hayes Senior Research Professor, ’85-’86). California State University at Long Beach & Occidental College: (Asst. Prof. ’66-’67). University of Malaya (Asst. Prof. ’63-’64). Yale University (Lecturer ’62-’63). Iolani School (Teacher, ’58-’60).
Non-Teaching Employment:
Research Asst. to Isidore Dyen (Yale, ’62-’63) on the “Lexicostatistical Classification of the Austronesian Languages” Project; Post-Doctoral Researcher in Computational Linguistics (The RAND Corporation, Santa Monica, CA. ’65-’66.) sponsored by the NSF.
Membership in Organizations:
LSA (from ’62); MLA (from ’66; Chair, Special Interest Group of General Linguistics [’76-’77]; Sec’y of same [’75-’76]; Memb. Exec. Com. [’77-’78].
LACUS/ALCEU, The Linguistic Association of Canada and the United States, Inc. Foundation Exec. Director & Director of Publications (from 1974 to 1975 re-elected 4 times); President in 2002-2002; International Pragmatics Association, Antwerp, Belgium (1997- ), Association of American Literary Translators (ALTA), (1999 -).
Administrative Experience:
Foundation Chairperson of the Department of Linguistics at the University of Illinois at Chicago Circle (UICC) 1971-72. Executive Director, Director of Publications and Chairman of the Board of the Linguistic Association of Canada and the United States (LACUS, Inc.) from 1974 to 1995 (21 years of experience); duties included annual conference site selection, program management, chairing of Annual Meeting of the Board of Directors, Grant Proposal Writing and Management; Fund- Raising; Scholarship Administration.Foundation Executive Director of Atlantis-Centaur, Inc. Chicago, IL (1996-) Literary Program Officer of the Emory and Ilona Ladany Foundation, New York, N.Y. (1996-) Chairperson of the Advisory Board of Kahumana Community Center, Waianae, Hawaii (1997-) Member of the Board, Kahumana Community Center, Waianae, Hawaii (1997-)
Graduate Dissertations Supervised:
Doris H. Welch (’69); J-L Garneau (’70); I. Miletić (’71); P.V. Deaney (’72); R. Srinivasan (’73); C.A. Kiwala (’74); D. Cusic (’75); S. Kumiya-Maynard (’77); R. Beukema (’80); J. McNulty (’81); M. Gallagher (’83); P. Cobin (’85); Cheng Qilong (’91); G. Kennedy (’92); R. Anderson, (’95); Jaroslaw Krajka, (Marie Curie Sklodowska University of Lublin, Poland,) (’97-98), Elisabeth Watson Liebert, University of Canterbury, New Zealand, 2002. [ M.A.s: 10, Ph.D.s: 6.]
Undergraduate Honors College Courses Organized & Supervised:
Life, Myth and Reality (’73); Literature and National Character (’74); Translation in Art, Science and the Social Sciences (’76); The Fitness of Language (’77); Hungarians in America (’78); Great Poetry of the 20th Century (’78) *with Paul Carroll and Audrey Lumsden-Kouvel); Science and Religion: Convergences in the New Age (’85), The Role of Poland and Hungary in the Defeat of the USSR (2000) (With Alexander Kurczaba and Yaroslav Schejbal)
Membership in Undergraduate Honors Societies:
Golden Key International Honors Society since 2002 –
International Society of Collegiate Scholars since 2003 —
LIBERAL ARTS AND SCIENCES [LAS 100] courses taught: How Does Language Work? 2001; “Isms Are Wasms”, 2001. How Does Language Work? (2 sections) 2002, “Isms Are Wasms”, 2002.
Editorships of Refereed Journals and Series Editorships:
- Word, Journal of the International Linguistic Association (ILA), formerly the Linguistic Circle of York,Associate Editor 1974-75, Managing Editor 1975-76.
- Studi italiani della linguistica teorica ed applicata (SILTA), Associate Editor since 1975, Liviana Edit-, rice, Bologna & Padova, Italy.
- Language Sciences, Tokyo, Japan, Associate Editor 1978-1989.
- Forum Linguisticum, Editor-in-Chief from 1976 to present, Jupiter Press, Lake Bluff, IL.
- Edward Sapir Monograph Series in Language, Culture and Cognition (ESMSLCC), Editor from 1976 to the present, Jupiter Press, Lake Bluff, IL.
- Indian Journal of Linguistics, Associate Editor, Calcutta, India from 1976 to the present.
- Szivárvány [=’Rainbow’], Associate Editor, Hungarian periodical for literature and criticism, Framo Publishing and Lyra Books, Chicago, IL.
- “ÁRGUS” Literary and cultural review, Székesfehérvár, Hungary, 1999 to present.
9 Editor-in Chief, ATLANTIS-CENTAUR PUBLICATIONS, Inc. from 1996, ongoing.
10 LACUS FORUM Series, General Editor and Director of Publications from 1974 to the present, Hornbeam Press, Columbia, S.C., (1974-1984), LACUS, Inc., (1985 to the present). 29 600-page volumes have appeared to date:
1974, Lake Forest (with V.B. Makkai); 1975, Toronto (with Peter A. Reich); 1976, El Paso (with E.L. Blansitt and R.J. Di Pietro; 1977, Montréal (with M. Paradis); 1978, Buffalo (with P.L. Garvin and W. Wölck; 1979, Calgary (with W. McCormack and J.H. Izzo); 1980, Houston (with J.E. Copeland); 1981, Toronto (with W. Gutwinski & G. Jolly); 1982, Evanston (with J. Morreal); 1983, Québec, (with P. Martin & J. McCalla); 1984, Ithaca (with R.A. Hall, Jr.); 1985, Saskatoon (with C. Martin & L. Pérez); 1986, Arlington (with I. Fleming); 1987, Toronto (with S. Embleton); 1988, East Lansing (with D.G. Lockwood & R. Brend); 1989, Kingston (with M. Jordan); Fullerton, 1990 (with A. Della Volpe); 1991, Ann Arbor (with R. Brend & R. Bailey); 1992, Montréal (with Peter A. Reich); 1993, Chicago (with V.B. Makkai and T. Griffen), 1994, Vancouver, B.C. (with M.J. Powell and T. Griffen; 1995 (with B. Hoffer and T. Griffen).
Academic Grants Consultancies:
British Council, Canada Council, National Science Foundation (NSF), National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH), Guggenheim Foundation, American Council of Learned Societies (ACLS), International Researches and Exchanges Board (IREX), The Ford Foundation, University of Illinois at Chicago Research Board, University of Southern Illinois at Carbondale Research Board, National University of Singapore Research Board, Hong Kong Baptist College Research Board, The University of Toronto, English Department, Northwestern University Press and Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures.
Publications Consultancies:
Consolidated Book Publishers, Chicago (1986-72); English Language Institute of America, Chicago (1968 to 1978); Barron’s Educational Series, Hauppauge, N.Y., (1975 to present); Pikaday Publications, Toronto, Ont., (1983-89); International House, Budapest, (1985 to present).
International Delegate:
Xth International Congress of Linguists, Bucharest, Romania (1967); XIth International Congress of Linguists, Bologna, Italy (1972); VIIth International Congress of the Société internationale de linguistique fonctionnelle (SILF), (1980); VIIIth International Conference on the Unity of the Sciences(ICUS),Los Angeles (1979); IXth International Conference on the Unity of the Sciences, Miami (1980); Xth International Conference on the Unity of the Sciences, Seoul, Korea (1981); IVth International EUROLEX Conference [“BUDALEX”], Budapest, Hungary, (1988); 2nd International Symposium on Logic, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, RSA, (1989); First International Symposium on Idiomaticity and Phraseology, Laval, Québec, (1992); Systemic Functional Workshop, University of Valencia, Spain (1995), First International Symposium on Ecolinguistics, Klagenfurt & Graz, Austria (1995), Third International Conference on Eco-linguistics, Bielefeld, Germany (1997), Reims, France (1998), Ecolinguistics Session, International Pragmatics Association (IPRA,) National University of Ireland, Maynooth,International Conference on Translation (1999) Linguistics Institute of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Summer Conference on Translation, Budapest (1999), 51st International Book Fair (“Buchmesse”) Frankfurt, Germany (August 12-28, 1999.) “35 Years of ECOLINGUISTICS” Graz, Austria, December 2000.First International Symposium on Language: Sektion für Schöne Wissenschaften, Goetheanum, Dornach, Switzerland, March 2002, Linguistic Institute of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Symposium on Modern Linguistics (2002).
Listed in:
Directory of American Scholars (1975)
Contemporary Authors (Gale Research) ( 1976)
Men of Achievement, Cambridge, UK (1978)
Marquis Who’s Who in the Midwest (1980)
Who’s Who in America (1999)
Who’s Who in the World (2000)
Who’s Who in Education (2003)